Insomnia is a sleep disorder. The one who is suffering from insomnia finds it difficult to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, and can wake up too early and then can’t go back to sleep.
There are two types of insomnia: primary and secondary.
Primary insomnia doesn’t connect with any other medical problem while secondary insomnia is connected with medical conditions such as cancer, arthritis, depression, medication, pain, heartburn, asthma, or some substance use like alcohol.
Symptoms Of Insomnia
Symptoms of insomnia may include the following:
· Daytime tiredness and sleepiness
· Wake up too early
· Fatigue
· Grumpiness
· Cannot concentrate
· Memory problem
· React to something too slowly
So above are some symptoms you will find in someone with insomnia.
Thus, now you know about insomnia and its symptoms. So, let us move further and talk about the main topic of this article which is how to get over insomnia.
How to Overcome Insomnia?
If you think you are suffering from insomnia then don’t worry, here we are going to tell you some ways by following which you can beat insomnia, adviced by the best best neuro physician in Patna.
Follow Sleep Schedule
One of the best ways to beat your insomnia is to make a sleep schedule. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time daily.
Even on the weekend stick with your sleeping routine as laziness on weekends will make it more difficult to follow the same routine on Monday.
When you make this your habit, you will find that it is starting to get easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.
Say No to Caffeine After 2 Pm
As you all know caffeine is quickly absorbed and distributed in the body which provides instant energy and this result in keeping you alert and awake.
Caffeine also blocks sleep-promoting receptors which are present in the brain known as adenosine receptors.
Thus, try not to consume caffeine after 2 pm as it will give you a sleepless night and due to this your next entire day will be ruined.
Check Your Medications
Asthma or high blood pressure medication can also cause insomnia. Other than these, medications for colds and painkillers contain some amount of caffeine which can make falling asleep a challenge.
So consult your doctors and talk with them about whether you should change these medications or not.
Say No to Alcohol At Least 3 Hrs Before Bed
Alcohol blocks REM sleep and with less REM sleep you will wake up feeling groggy and unfocused.
Alcohol is also diuretic, which means it will increase your need to go to the bathroom and this will cause you to wake up early.
Yes, doing exercise can help you to beat and win the fight over insomnia and anxiety.
Working out during the day helps to reduce the stress hormones which is one of the main reasons to keep you awake during the night.
So, it is recommended to finish your workout at least 3 hrs before bed, this will give you time to relax your heartbeat, adrenaline levels, and body temperature.
Go To Your Bedroom Only for Sleep And Sex
Try not to do other activities apart from sleep and sex as doing that might hinder your sleeping schedule.
According to much research, using smartphones, tablets, watching TV, and other electronic devices before bed delays the body’s internal clock and suppresses the release of the sleep-reducing hormone melatonin.
Try to do some relaxing things before you say goodbye to your day. These relaxing bedtime rituals can be anything you like such as reading any novel, listening to any soft or calm music, doing breathing exercise, yoga, prayer, or taking a hot bath.
Avoid Trying Too Hard to Sleep
If you don’t feel like sleeping then don’t try too hard. Try to do something like book reading or anything else until you become very drowsy and then go to sleep.
We recommend you not to go to bed too early, when you think you are feeling like sleeping then go.
Avoid Eating Anything Before Bed
If you want to sleep peacefully at night try to avoid large meals and beverages before bed. Try to eat at least 2 hrs before you go to bed.
If you feel like eating anything after that then only stick to light snacks and also avoid drinking too much water before bed so that you won’t have to urinate as often.
If you think above all points are not working for you then it can be because of some other problems. So we recommend you to go and talk to a doctor so that they can understand what is the actual cause of your insomnia.
And if you can then also take your bed partner with you to the doctor as they know better than you how much and how well you are sleeping.
Hence, these are the best ways to conquer insomnia. If you still not able to get good sleep, consult a Psychiatrist Doctor in Patna